Please see the link to an info sheet from our water company, CVWD. It gives you some good info about our water supply. I just went to a 90 minute meeting tonight at Hideaway about water with representatives from CVWD making a presentation. I left feeling very reassured about our water supply in the Desert. It will not affect delivery of water to the golf course, as we discussed. It will affect the clubhouse a bit, as they will have to comply with reduction in water usage. They will have to clean the golf carts more carefully, and not spray them, and use water more carefully in cleaning etc.
Basically, if you look at the info in this flyer, we are using a net of about 189,700 acre feet per year with a base of reserves of 39 million acre feet at the 1000 foot deep level. And they say there is more water below the 1000 foot level. So that is about 200 years of water at the current usage rate. Because of their infrastructure projects to recharge the aquafier (drive water down deep under ground), the CVWD rep said that the water level in the East Valley (our side) has actually risen up to 30 feet in some places, and some old artesian wells in Mecca are actually pushing up water, which has not been seen for 30 years.
CVWD said that there are 123 golf courses in the desert, and only 27 currently do not use groundwater. The Hideaway is one of those 27 on the good list, as it is on canal water (Colorado River). Also, 19 golf courses currently are using treated sewer water, but CVWD is in the process of moving that number to 50 which will have a blend of canal water and sewer water shortly. That will be a huge reduction in annual usage, so they are way in front of the curve on this.
I was very impressed on what kind of handle they have on water issues. So we are in great shape. That said, we will have to comply with the governors demands, but it will not affect our golf course meaningfully, other than about an eventual 10% reduction in turf area. Also, they will convert some areas from overhead watering to drip areas in the off golf areas which are on golf course edges or in HOA common areas.